
What to Know About Coworking Software Migration

Learn how to prepare for a successful coworking software migration process.
By Kelly K
December 26, 2023
What to Know About Coworking Software Migration

Your current coworking software is falling short. Your members are complaining about the poor user experience and revenue is being left on the table due to shortcomings with your existing software.

You begin to look at other coworking software solutions, but you quickly become overwhelmed. The migration process is timely, you don’t have the staff to support this big project, and you’ve heard horror stories about people switching solutions and everything going wrong.

The problem is, the cost of staying with an inadequate and poorly performing tool far outweighs the cost of switching platforms.

In this article, we’ll be demystifying and debunking some of the common challenges people think comes with migrating software. We’ll also set you up with some tips to ensure a smooth transition when you’re finally ready to make the switch.

And if you’re in the market to look for a new coworking software platform, consider how Optix can support you in making the switch to better coworking software

Let’s dive in!

Why migrate coworking software?

If you’re considering making the switch to another coworking software solution, then chances are your current software is likely falling short in one or more areas.

You may be looking to migrate to a different solution if:

  • You have outgrown your existing software
  • Your revenue potential is limited by their current software provider
  • You are looking to make a significant change to your business
  • You are receiving frequent complaints from your community regarding the software
  • You are receiving frequent complaints from your employees regarding the software
  • You are not receiving enough value from your existing software solution
  • Your business is expanding and you’d like to make a change before scaling

If you feel that your software is holding you back from growing your business, then it is a good time to consider an alternative solution.

What is involved in the software migration process?

What is involved in the coworking software migration process

When migrating from one software solution to another, all of the data that exists in your current software needs to be replicated in your new software. 

This includes data such as user data, plan data, user payment information, active bookings, and more. Each coworking software provider maps their data differently. For this reason, the migration process is different for each provider. 

When evaluating new solutions, you’ll want to ask about the migration process and how the team will support you in successfully switching tools. 

Questions to consider when evaluating migrating coworking systems

Maybe you are at your wits end with your current coworking software and switching couldn’t come soon enough. Or maybe your coworking software is falling short and you’re not even aware of it. 

Here are some questions to consider if you feel migrating providers may be in your future.

  • Do your members enjoy using your platform? Do you frequently receive complaints around their interactions with the tool?
  • Does your team enjoy using your platform? Do they speak to how the software is supporting and enabling them in their role or do you receive complaints about the tool?
  • Is there anything that you cannot currently do with your software that you wish you could do, such as offering a different type of product or service offering?
  • Are you spending a lot of time troubleshooting your software? 
  • Does your current software add manual work for you or your team?
  • Does your software limit your ability to automate your operations?
  • Are you aware of the other solutions on the market and what makes each one unique?
  • Is your software only supporting your members transactionally, rather than working to build community?

It is easy to get complacent with the tool you are using, especially if there isn’t anything exceptionally good or bad with it.

However, if you are neutral towards your current coworking software, it is very likely that there is a better solution for you out there. This article maps out some of the best coworking software platforms in 2023 to help guide you through the process of considering other tools.

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Common pain points in the coworking software migration process and how to address them

Just the thought of switching software solutions can bring with it a sense of anxiety. Here are some of the most common pain points that we see when it comes to migrating solutions, as well as potential ways to address each.

1. Not enough time or resources to migrate successfully

We often hear from coworking owners and operators that they simply do not have enough time or resources to ensure a successful migration. They are buried in administrative work or simply don’t have the cash flow to hire help to support in the process.

Ironically, these issues often stem from shortcomings with the software itself. If your software is not easy to use or is buggy, then it will quickly become an administrative burden that takes up more of your time. If your existing software is not supporting you in reaching your growth goals, then profitability seems out of reach and hiring help is out of the question. 

If you don’t switch software providers, then you won’t be able to address the root cause of the problem. In that case, you really can’t afford not to explore alternatives to your existing solution.

Another important point to understand is that some migration steps are quick and do not require significant time or resources, such as bulk uploading users or payment methods. Talk to the software providers you’re evaluating to understand what can be done in this respect to streamline the migration process.

2. Fear of a poor experience for my team or members

There is a lot of fear and anxiety around switching coworking software providers. This fear is often rooted in a bad experience with a prior migration or perhaps a horror story from a fellow operator around their migration experience.

To mitigate the fear of the unknown, know that many coworking software solutions, including Optix, are dedicated to ensuring your migration process is seamless. 

Also, understand that the switch you are making is ultimately going to benefit you and your team significantly in the long-term.

Exercise: List the value that your new software will provide to your business and community. Share this with your team and your community to generate excitement around how this migration will benefit them.

We found Nexudus to be overly complicated and the invoicing system was a was easy to make a simple mistake that would go on to have large repercussions. Optix has solved all of the issues we faced previously and has made the management of our coworking space a pleasant experience for both us and our members.
Amy Rushton, Coworking Emsworth

3. Too difficult to onboard members on to a new tool

Getting your members acquainted with and accustomed to using software can be difficult in and of itself. You already did it for one software solution – now you have to do it for another tool? For many operators, the thought of onboarding lots of members onto a new tool and teaching them how to use it is simply too much to think about.

If you are considering switching platforms, chances are you are doing this to enhance the experience of your members. There may be some effort involved (i.e. setting up a new profile) in the transition, but your members will appreciate the better user experience that your new solution provides.

With thorough education and some gamification techniques, not only will your members not mind moving to a different platform, they’ll be excited about the process.

4. My tech stack is fully integrated with my existing tool

We are all about creating an integrated coworking tech stack at Optix, so we know that setting up some of these integrations with your coworking software platform can take time. 

Rest assured that many coworking platforms offer seamless integrations with your existing tools and can be set up easily, either directly or through platforms like Zapier, likely easier than the first time depending on what platform you choose.

With the right support from the right team, you can be sure that you’ll be able to set up a software that can be just as integrated as your existing provider.

Tips to ensure a smooth coworking software migration process

Hopefully by now you see that many of the problems you think you may have with switching providers can be mitigated. Here are a few more tips to help you ensure a smooth transition to your new software provider.

Assign a champion to the migration process

Have someone in your space who is dedicated to overseeing the migration process, even if it is yourself – which it often is for many of our clients.

The reason why a champion, or a dedicated person to oversee the process, is so important is because it ensures that everything that needs to be taken care of happens in a timely fashion. It also helps with overall adoption and ensuring a seamless migration process.

If no one is dedicated to overseeing the migration process, it is a lot less likely to be completed successfully. 

Lean on your software provider to support you

The software you choose should be your partner in the migration process and beyond. Teams are trained to support your migration, as they’ve done so for so many other clients. Lean on this expertise and use it to your advantage – you’re not alone in this process! 

Give yourself time to make the switch

Budget at least one to two months when looking to make the switch to a new platform. This will give you time to understand your new software, make all of the technical changes, and educate your members on what is to come. In turn, this will help you have a more seamless transition to your new software.

Get started with migrating your software today

Realizing that your current coworking software falls short is the first step towards unlocking the full potential of your coworking space. 

While the prospect of migrating to a new tool may seem daunting, rest assured it will all be worth it in the end.

Whether you’ve outgrown your current software, face limitations in revenue potential, or receive frequent complaints from your community, migrating to a new coworking software provider can help you unlock your potential as a business.

Remember, with the right support, a dedicated champion, and ample time, migrating to a new coworking software provider, such as Optix, can be a transformative and rewarding process for your workspace. Connect with a member of our team to learn more about Optix.