
Dive into the Future with the All-New Optix Logo

Introducing the brand new Optix logo
By The Optix Team
March 28, 2024
Dive into the Future with the All-New Optix Logo

Today marks a pivotal moment in the history of Optix as we proudly unveil our brand-new logo. This transformation goes beyond just aesthetics – it embodies the evolution of our product and our unwavering commitment to a brighter future.

Farewell, Old Optix

Old Optix Logo

The original Optix logo was born in 2016 from a simple sketch in a notebook. Two half circles diverging from the whole, it was a visual representation of the revolutionary idea of flexible and democratized real estate. Over the years, it served us well, symbolizing our mission to reshape the way we work.

Yet, as time progressed, so did our aspirations. Our focus shifted from the buildings to the people behind them. We realized that our mission was no longer solely about enabling a flexible future but empowering business owners to thrive in the world of coworking and flex spaces.

With this shift in mindset, it became evident that our logo needed rejuvenating to a symbol that truly echoed the essence of who we had become.

Hello, New Optix

Hello New Optix Logo 2024

Behold our updated logo, a nod to the past yet firmly rooted in the present. The two squares, a homage to the original circles, signify our continued dedication to a flexible future. However, the meaning has transcended; it now encapsulates the limitless possibilities that Optix offers.

No longer confined to representing the flexibility of buildings or markets, the new Optix logo stands as a symbol of what you can achieve when you partner with us. Whether it’s propelling your coworking business to new heights, advancing in your career, or taking that pivotal next step, the two squares, stacked diagonally and upward, symbolize the success of our clients who dream big and partner with us to level up.

Bold and powerful, yet elegantly simple, the new logo exudes inspiration and sparks action. We’re excited about this transformation and hope you’ll embrace it with as much enthusiasm as we do.

What Lies Ahead for Optix?

The old Optix logo vs the new Optix logo

As you explore our revamped look, you’ll notice other changes in the Optix universe. This is just the beginning of our visual identity evolution, aligning seamlessly with our mission to empower coworking and flex leaders to succeed.

Anticipate more stories, more faces, and an amplified commitment to the triumph of our community. Our journey doesn’t end here – it’s a thrilling ride into a future where success knows no bounds.

Thank you for joining us on this transformative journey. We eagerly await the adventures the future holds for Optix and all those who embark on it with us.

March 28, 2024

For an insider’s look at the design process behind our new logo, check out the header above featuring a schematic on grid paper, showcasing the evolution from the old logo to the new.