
What’s new in Optix: May 2020

Learn about what we’ve added to Optix during the month of May
By The Optix Team
May 28, 2020
What's new in Optix in May 2020

This month we’re excited to announce a well-anticipated feature, Drop-in Bookings – enabling your customers to make and pay for a booking directly from your website! With this launch, there’s more great features, such as book a tour and user/booking source. Plus, we’ve improved filtering your invoices, and the new mobile onboarding is now available on Android.

So without further ado, here’s what’s new this month!

For managers and users: Drop-in Bookings for web

What's new in Optix in May 2020

We are passionate about creating tools for you to continue to grow your business, and this includes tools that allow you to market your space to potential customers. Our team has been hard at work designing a new feature, Drop-in Bookings – enabling your customers to make and pay for a booking directly from your website! Learn more about this new feature.

For managers and users: Book a tour

What's new in Optix in May 2020

Prospective customers can now visit your marketing website and book a tour to see your space. We’ve added the ability for you to accept tour bookings for your locations alongside the Drop-in Booking plug-in, or embedded as a standalone plug-in. You can customize the title and duration of the tour, and customize the look and feel too. Learn how to enable tour bookings here.

For managers: User and booking source

What's new in Optix in May 2020

You can now view the source of where your users or bookings came from in your Optix web dashboard. The sources include: Walk-in, Drop-in booking, Admin, Web onboarding, User app, Tour, and Unknown (members that were added in the past with an unknown source). Read this FAQ to learn more.

For managers: Filter invoice list by date range

What's new in Optix in May 2020

We’ve made it even easier to find the invoice you’re looking for. You can now filter your invoice list by date range using the ‘Due Date’ filter at the top of your invoice list. Learn how by reading this FAQ.

New look and feel for mobile app onboarding on both iOS and Android

What's ne win Optix in April 2020

We’re happy to announce that the brand new look and feel for mobile app onboarding is now available on Android alongside iOS! Now, no matter the device, users that onboard onto your app will be greeted with a more streamlined onboarding experience. The new onboarding comes with fun illustrations and a progress bar to help guide users through the experience!