Customer Stories

Migrating from Cobot to Optix with OneSpace

Learn how the OneSpace team grew their community to 200+ members by successfully migrating from Cobot to Optix
OneSpace Leadership Team


2,000+ automated bookings
200+ members in-app
1,800 messages sent
“Optix reflects the uniqueness of our services and really allows us to do everything." Elizabeth Fisher, CEO at OneSpace
"Being able to provide that ease, flexibility and peace of mind to parents – that's been huge. The feedback has been really great, everyone is super happy with Optix."

OneSpace was founded in 2021 out of a need for a place where parents and entrepreneurs could be productive, have their kids playing close by, and feel connected and supported by a community. In the midst of the pandemic with a lack of community and a sense of connectedness, co-founders Elizabeth and Victoria, decided to come together and open a coworking space, all while trying to balance parenthood and their professional careers.

“I had no sense of community. I had no more mom friends. I had no other entrepreneur friends. My mental health was just very poor. I felt like I was doing everything by myself. Motherhood is very isolating. Entrepreneurship can be very isolating.”
OneSpace Coworking Partnership and Collaboration

Outgrowing their first coworking management software  

OneSpace decided to start with a small proof-of-concept that offered child-minding and hot desks and later expanded to a larger space that offers private offices, private desks, and bodywork rooms. Initially, OneSpace decided to use Cobot to manage their space but they quickly outgrew the software as they began to experiment with new offerings that were outside of the traditional coworking offering. 

"Our old system was one dimensional. It was just coworking. We pushed it to its limits in terms of trying to make all the different facets of OneSpace work.”

They wanted to think big, try new things, and continue to experiment to understand what was resonating with their community. They wanted to offer new programming and offerings but were unable to do so due to the limitations and lack of flexibility of their old software, Cobot. 

Elizabeth shared her experience of feeling limited by her old software, “we were starting to get to the point where we were designing our programs around what would work with that software. Not what worked best for our business. It was so limiting.”

OneSpace Growth and Scaling

Elizabeth and Victoria also felt like the experience for their members were lacking as it was only available on web with no mobile solution for their members. Given they were serving many working professionals that were also parents, they wanted to find a solution that would allow members to be able to quickly get things done, on the go, in a seamless way. 

“Our old system was clunky. So clunky. You're a mom and you got a million things on the go, and then you're logging in on your phone into a browser and opening up this teeny tiny window. It was just ridiculous.”
OneSpace Coworking Community Leaders in a Meeting Room

Finding a platform that could evolve and scale with their business

When OneSpace decided to look for a new coworking management platform, they wanted to find a platform that would enable them to evolve and scale as their business grew.

They decided to move to Optix as it provided them with a platform to showcase and promote their unique spaces, services, and amenities, and provide their members with tailored offerings.

The flexibility of Optix has allowed OneSpace to create custom membership plans and promotions, which has been a selling point for OneSpace to attract new members. They’ve been able to hyper-tailor their offerings to a specific member’s needs and offer their childcare services, coworking spaces, and wellness amenities, all in one plan – making it easier for both their members and their team to be able to effectively manage their space. 

“Optix reflects the uniqueness of our services and really allows us to do everything. The tailored approach has been awesome – to be able to provide that to our clients.”
OneSpace Female Coworking Space Community Members

Elevating their member experience and brand

With one of their target clientele being parents, OneSpace was keen to offer an easy and quick option for parents to be able to book and pay for their space and services on demand. With Optix, they’ve been able to streamline the booking process, automate invoicing, and more for their members. 

With their very own White Label App developed by Optix in the App Stores, OneSpace has elevated their brand and the credibility of their business. Having a mobile app was a key criterion for selecting their next platform, however, having it under their own brand was the cherry on top. 

“It's kind of a cool selling point for us to be like ‘Download the OneSpace app!’ I just feel like I have so much swag. I'm in the app store.”
OneSpace Coworking

What’s next for OneSpace? 

In just under four months since partnering with Optix, OneSpace has had over 200 new members join their community via their White Label App, more than 2,000 member bookings, and more – and these numbers are on the rise. OneSpace is looking to continue to grow their community through new partnerships and offerings, with Optix enabling them to do just that. 

“It's been cool to create these interesting partnerships, collaborations, and business ideas and have them be enhanced by our coworking software.”

As OneSpace continues to evolve, one thing stays steady – the team deeply cares about their community and creating a safe and empowering space for women. They’ve had a significant impact on the lives of their members and have supported hundreds of women both in their personal and professional lives. 

Our team is proud to partner with OneSpace and to support them in their mission to help women find balance and pursue their passions.