Automations x Messaging

Automate messaging

Create custom automations for a variety of user messaging, from onboarding emails, to invoice follow-ups, to six month check-ins, to elevate your community.

Learn more about Automations

Directory and Messaging - community for coworking spaces

Connect your members

Community is the heart of the coworking experience. The Directory brings users together by giving everyone in your space an easy-to-edit profile.

  • Build relationships that go beyond the physical space
  • Create new networking opportunities
  • Cultivate connections between like-minded users
“The fact that Optix allows members to create their professional profiles and connect with fellow Lina members was a huge draw for us.”
Directory and Messaging - community for coworking spaces

Filter by interests and skills

Looking for someone with a specific skill? Filter users based on their occupation and skills to match the needs of your business (or theirs).

Create networking opportunities between your members so they can easily find and connect with similar members.

Directory and Messaging - community for coworking spaces

Grow your digital community

Members turn to coworking for community. But, community doesn’t need a physical space.

Strengthen your member base and provide that feeling of connection virtually through ongoing digital communication via Directory and Messaging.

Start your 14-day free trial today, no credit card required.

Get a free demo
woman working in a coworking space

Cultivate a connected community

Bring your members together, no matter where they are

Team profiles

Showcase profiles for teams 

Member profiles

Create rich profiles for members

Privacy controls

Restrict who can access your community

1:1 chat

Enable direct messaging between members

Search by skills

Filter your community profiles by skills

Custom properties

Set custom properties and collect detailed member information

Bring your tech stack together

Integrate Optix with the tools you love to enhance your community


The Directory is a digital collection of all of the members in your coworking space. It is located within your organization’s mobile app and is the perfect place for you to find out more information about other members in the space.

Messaging in Optix enables direct 1:1 messaging between your coworking members.

Learn how Optix can transform your business