Enhance the member experience with automated desk booking
Automate Desk Booking

Create custom automations related to desk bookings, like sending a welcome email every time a user books a desk for the first time, to onboard new users quickly and do more with less.
Make it easy for your members to book a desk on their mobile device with a completely automated booking system.
Access valuable data and analytics about how desks are being used in your space.
See what days are most popular. Determine the desks members prefer. Make strategic business decisions with insights from detailed data and analytics in Optix.
Reduce your head count and improve operational efficiency with the help of automation. Enable members to book a desk on their phone without ever needing to visit the front desk.
Take control of your desk offerings and optimize your business model with advanced customization options.
Prospective members can book from your desktop, too. Enable the Optix Booking Web Widget on your website and users can make a booking directly from your homepage.
Automated desk booking allows individuals and organizations to reserve and manage desks in a shared workspace in a flexible and efficient manner. It streamlines the process of scheduling, tracking, and utilizing available resources, making it a valuable tool for coworking spaces looking to optimize their space utilization.
Automating desk booking optimizes space usage, promotes flexibility, boosts productivity, enhances collaboration, aids resource management, provides data insights, and supports health and safety measures.