Make anything in your coworking space bookable
Customizable Resource Booking

Create custom automations related to resource booking, like sending a welcome email any time someone books a conference room for the first time, to transform how you run your flex space business.
Empower members to interact with your space on their terms. Members can book any resource from their phone on the way to your coworking space. Availability is updated in real-time, and you’ll be notified of any booking made.
Measure how your resources are being utilized over time to determine your most popular resources. Use these insights to tailor your resource offerings to fit the needs of your users.
Everything in your space is a money-making opportunity. Get granular with the resources you offer and drive more revenue through bookable equipment, desks, rooms, and more.
Optix Resource Booking can work on desktop too. Enable the Booking Web Widget and users can make a booking directly from your website.
A bookable resource is anything in your space that can be rented for a set amount of time. You can get creative with your resources and turn them into whatever you want them to be thanks to the flexibility of the Optix platform.
More bookable resources means more revenue in your pocket. Diversify your revenue streams and turn anything into a money-making opportunity.